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5 Kinds of Advice Your Esthetician Doesn't Want You to Follow

Writer's picture: Shannon BascoShannon Basco

Updated: Oct 28, 2024

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The Internet is great for many things. However, in the advice department, a lot of the ideas are not backed up with any kind of facts. Don’t believe everything you see on there, especially when it comes to skin care. Here are the top five things people tell you to do on the Internet that you shouldn’t take to heart.

1. Coconut Oil does not belong on your face. Coconut oil is awesome for cooking and you can even use it on your body, though it isn’t the best oil for moisturizing. Coconut oil is comedogenic. What does that mean? It clogs pores and can cause breakouts and black heads. In fact, there’s a scale to help guide you on different products and their ability to clog pores. Putting oil on your face to cleanse make up off is a great idea. If you don’t want to purchase one from a skin care line you can always use jojoba oil which is very noncomedogenic and hypoallergenic. Doing this type of cleanse can help to balance your skin’s oil/water balance, removes make up beautifully, and soothes sensitive or acneic skin. Unless an oil is specifically formulated to be used as a moisturizer, it often isn’t enough to properly hydrate your skin.

2. Using Apple Cider Vinegar as a toner. A toners main purpose is to bring your skin’s Ph in balance after using a product (such as face wash). Your skin’s Ph should be around 4.5-5. Even small changes in the Ph can disrupt your skin and the barrier of oil and water that helps protect it. If you already have a skin condition such as acne or eczema your Ph and barrier are already not at optimal levels. ACV is very acidic. While it does have other benefits such as polyphenols and a type of acid that can lighten the skin, the acidity cancels out the benefit. If you want an inexpensive toner Thayer’s witch hazel is a good option. It doesn’t have anything gross in the ingredients, and unlike other kinds of witch hazel, it doesn’t have alcohol which should never really be on your face. If you love ACV and won’t stop using it, please dilute it with water (preferably distilled because it is Ph neutral).

3. DIY masks or other DIY products. Many times the ingredients found in these recipes are not great for the face (again we’re looking for things that keep the skin’s Ph in balance). I’ve seen suggestions like mixing Johnson’s baby lotion, petroleum jelly, and Vitamin E together for soft skin. The first two products are just filled, FILLED with chemicals. Petroleum jelly is made from the same thing the gas in your car is made from and you would never put that on your skin! My best advice is to treat your skin care like you treat your food, and look at the ingredients. The same goes for a mask, soap, or lotion made with food products. Individually look up the ingredients and see what skin risks and benefits they have.

4. You Tube videos suggesting using products bought on Amazon by people who are not professionals. These range from things that are just not best for your skin (dermarollers) to extremely strong peels that should only be performed by a dermatologist. I have watched a few of these videos and am truly horrified. I AM a professional, and I would never purchase an acid from Amazon and put it on my FACE. Peels are advanced skin care, you should be trained before applying them to your skin, period. There are many things that can go wrong such as infection and permanent scarring. Amazon is not a place I would purchase products unless I was certain that they were allowed to be sold by the company. Many professional lines are only sold to professionals, although some prolines see the benefit of a market like Amazon and do offer their products there (if they are professional the likelihood of them not being expired or fake is very high, especially if they are much less expensive than they should be, so be careful)! I know that saving money is high on everyone’s priority list, but there is a great reason to go to an esthetician or dermatologist to get the products that are best for your skin, and to avoid listening to YouTubers who just like skin care a lot.

5. Most “Big Skin Care” or MLM suggestions. This is something that would be more advertisement or Facebook related. Much of the skin care offered over the counter contains a lot of fillers and some ingredients that are questionable or dangerous. This is the same for most MLM companies. The representatives are not trained professionals and don’t know how to assess your skin, and some of the gadgets and products offered are high priced, and are either dangerous (like vacuums that say they can pull out blackheads) or just plain bad for your skin. Do your research! Many of these companies have class action lawsuits against them. They are not ethical or safe.

I know you’re all smart and savvy, but the government does not regulate the beauty world as you hope or think they do. Just a few minutes of research can save you from buying or doing something to your skin that is unsafe. The best bet is to schedule something with an esthetician! They will assess your skin needs and help you choose products to reach your goals. Professional products are better. It isn't just hype, they have stronger percentages of ingredients that will make a difference in your skin.In the long run it will save you time, money, and give you beautiful result. 😊

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